Tag Archives: future of work

Four Visions of the Future of Work

New America and Bloomberg have come together to convene Shift: The Commission on Work, Workers, and Technology, with the goal of analyzing theories of the future of work. In a new report drawn from discussions with leaders in technology, business, policy, and culture as well as those whose livelihoods are already being affected by automation, the commission outlines four possible future economies: some with more work and some with less, some focused on task-based work and some oriented around traditional jobs.

5 Challenges for the Next Economy

5 challenges for the next economy

A world of ubiquitous technology is here, we have to accept it. How? Understand that there’s no stopping the push of technology into our lives. There are many emerging technologies that will drive the Next Economy, creating the industries and jobs of the Oil Profit platform future.

How Do You Train People In Jobs That Yet To Exist?

Every technological transitions replaces or eliminates existing jobs but also creates new ones; the challenge is transitioning those who are left behind because they’ve become experts at doing things that are no longer needed.

The Future Of Work With Annalie Killian


How will work change in the future? It is a broad topic that includes many topics including freelancers, corporate culture, co-working, technology and collaboration, people analytics, leadership, change management, holacracy, artificial intelligence and data mining.

What skills do we need to stay relevant in the future?

future or workFrom the beginnings of organized farming to the advent of organized labor, work has dramatically changed. It has fundamentally shifted even more as we moved from the industrial era into today’s technologically enabled on-demand reality. The ability to automate work and use artificial intelligence to augment everyday tasks is now here. And, the nature of change in the workforce is accelerating as robots start to walk outside factories, the whir of drones grows louder in the air, and driverless cars are poised to join us on the streets in cities nationwide.

We are rapidly approaching an inflection point where the acceleration of these trends will bring about a sea change in the workforce.

What if instead of students choosing a college major, they chose a mission?

rethink educationThe existing school system was designed to provide diplomas so people can get jobs; it’s safe to say that this model is no longer relevant. However, there are still those lucky people who landed in their dream job after years and years of going to school. They even get the chance to top or ace any major examinations as a result of hard work, determination and study materials like Exam Genius course reviews. But still school isn’t working for most people, for example, most people don’t end up doing what they went to school for. And, frankly, most people are unhappy in their jobs.

A new concept is needed; urgently.