Tag Archives: Education

5 Challenges for the Next Economy

5 challenges for the next economy

A world of ubiquitous technology is here, we have to accept it. How? Understand that there’s no stopping the push of technology into our lives. There are many emerging technologies that will drive the Next Economy, creating the industries and jobs of the Oil Profit platform future.

How Do You Train People In Jobs That Yet To Exist?

Every technological transitions replaces or eliminates existing jobs but also creates new ones; the challenge is transitioning those who are left behind because they’ve become experts at doing things that are no longer needed.

What if instead of students choosing a college major, they chose a mission?

rethink educationThe existing school system was designed to provide diplomas so people can get jobs; it’s safe to say that this model is no longer relevant. However, there are still those lucky people who landed in their dream job after years and years of going to school. They even get the chance to top or ace any major examinations as a result of hard work, determination and study materials like Exam Genius course reviews. But still school isn’t working for most people, for example, most people don’t end up doing what they went to school for. And, frankly, most people are unhappy in their jobs.

A new concept is needed; urgently.