Category Archives: Questions

What is a mindset and why does it matter?

What is a mindset?

If you are really ambitious, I believe that rather than setting out to accumulate as many material things as you can, you should be aiming to spread mindset; a point of view. This blog is very much focused on innovation as a mindset, not as a collection of tools and frameworks that anyone can pickup and magically turn him/herself  into an innovator.

What needs to happen for there to be more innovation and startups in LatAm?

What needs to happen for there to be more innovation and startups in LatAm?

Yesterday I watched a panel of LatAm entrepreneurs, advocates and venture capitalists discuss “what needs to happen for there to be more innovation and startups in LATAM?” through Google Hangout. The panelists were:

As our decision making skills decline with age, how does it affect our ability to innovate?

As our decision making skills decline with age, how does it affect our ability to innovate?

Much like corporations become slow and stagnant, our own skills decline as we age; unless we do something about it. Nowhere is this more apparent than in decision making…