Archive for: March, 2016

The Truth About Nootropics (Smart Drugs)

smart drugs

Nootropics are reported to being widely used in work and at school to help people be more focused. Which begs the question: do nootropics, smart drugs, enhance creative thinking? Or lead people to addition problems then requiring Tampa drug rehab to get detoxed.

Economist Intelligence Unit Research on Innovation Clusters

the success factors of innovation clusters

Why does Silicon Valley sustain innovation? What distinct behaviors drive that?

While it’s wrong to want to create ones own Silicon Valley, all innovation ecosystems share common traits.

On this episode of the Big Bang podcast I interview Adam Green, senior editor in the Thought Leadership department at the Economist Intelligence Unit, sister company to The Economist newspaper, on innovation clusters.

Adam is the lead researcher for the Economist Intelligence Unit research on innovation clusters. The report info graphics and short documentary explore innovation clusters globally, discusses their key success factors, and looks at how they change over their life cycle. We have looked at examples from Bangalore, London, Boulder, Singapore and Estonia, with interviewees from the likes of Imperial College, the London School of Economics and techUK. We’ve been particularly interested to show how innovation clusters themselves evolve, and the challenges that success can bring.

Below are some questions we discussed:

  • What is one trait that determines success of an entrepreneurial ecosystem?
  • What are the critical components of an innovation ecosystem?
  • What is the key component to start with if no other components are present?
  • What cultural characteristics are necessary for an innovation ecosystem to function?
  • What evidence, individual and/or organizational, will tell us that this culture is developing?
  • How can we adjust and improve an innovation ecosystem to increase its effectiveness?
  • How do innovation clusters change over time?

It was an insightful conversation, and hope you find it useful.

Let us know what you think on Twitter @jorgebarba and @adrianpedrin.

Watch the live recording:

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The Big Bang is a weekly podcast. Tune in every Tuesday for more discussions on what’s possible; be sure to subscribe on SoundCloud.

Intro audio is by Arturo Arriaga, outro audio is Candyland by Guy J.

Bill Gates: The Three Phases Of The Robot Revolution

the robot revolutionWe can all agree to disagree with much of the discussion about robots displacing our jobs in the very near future. It is happening, that’s a fact. What’s hard to predict is when and how fast it will happen.

In previous episodes of my podcast (here and here) we talked about the rise of the machines and what it might mean for society. The way I think about the evolution of artificial intelligence is that it will evolve in phases: easy and complex.

Design As Strategy: How Design Can Improve Your Business Outcomes

design as strategy

Design thinking. is it a methodology, mindset, trend, the new must in business acumen, or all of the above?

Regardless of your interpretation, it has been around for quite a while. The bottom-line is most leaders still don’t understand how exactly it helps improve or drive new business outcomes. If you will like to have some help understanding this, check with Bob Bratt.


Fear is Detrimental to Innovation

Many of the most successful companies strive for constant change and new innovations in the workplace. For them, new ideas are the lifeblood that keep things rolling towards a more productive, collaborative, and happy workplace environment. Furthermore, they see innovation as the key to remaining at the top of their respective industry and push the boundaries of what is possible.

When Smart Drugs Do The Work

smart drugs

A world where most menial jobs will be taken over by robots is coming. And in that future, humans will focus on cognitively intense jobs where critical thinking and creativity are highly valued. How fast that will happen is an ongoing argument, but what is happening already, and will also become more widespread in the future, is the use of cognitive performance enhancers at school and at work.

As we discussed in A World Without Sleep, a scenario that could present itself is one where we choose not to sleep to be able to compete with robots; and that means using smart drugs.