Must read innovation posts of the week: Spreading ideas is highly social

Must read innovation posts of the week: Spreading ideas is highly social

Storified by Jorge Barba · Sat, Dec 01 2012 16:00:07

"How will we live, learn, work, & play when anyone can make anything, anywhere?" "Think globally, fabricate locally"Steve Case
RT @nilofer: Thinkers ought to be aware that they, too, need to be rethinking. Example: @rgmcgrath (definite #FF)Tim Kastelle
Do both. RT @ralph_ohr: Strategic Ambidexterity: Change *and* Continuity. via @cochrancreatesjohnmaeda
Spreading ideas is highly social – “@HarvardBiz: Be an Information DJ” cc @timkastelleRalph-Christian Ohr
The Power of Diversity for Innovation: #imd_mitbill_fischer

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